# Install and update

Enseada is released as a single static binary that can be downloaded and run without any dependency outside of CouchDB.

You can download the appropriate executable for your environment from the release page.

# Linux

Coming soon

# macOS

Coming soon

# Windows

Coming soon

# Docker

An official Docker image is available on Docker Hub.

Three different image tags are available:

  • latest marks the most recent stable release. The same binary can be found here.
  • x.y.z provides the correspondent version. These images are immutable.
  • edge provides nightly builds compiled from the source code mainline (which is the develop branch). They are built on every code commit and can therefore be unstable, broken or buggy. Use them at your own risk.

# Pull and Run

docker pull enseada/enseada:latest

docker run --name enseada -p 9623:9623 <various environment variables> enseada/enseada:latest